GCC Consulting


Global Compliance Company (“GCC”) was founded in 2017, and we have accomplished so much over the years.

GCC has recently transformed ourselves from a traditional consulting and advisory firm to an innovative tech company for social impact projects (“Social-FinTech”) that utilizes our technology to foster the engagement with society for purpose of bringing real positive impact to it. Spark Social was launched, and its consulting and advisory business was rebranded under the name of GCC Consulting in July 2023.

We’re here to make the jump – together. Our team of regulatory & communications professionals and business strategists will enable you to take your business into a new era, transforming it for success that outshines even stars in the night sky! Don’t be restricted by border; unleash yourself with us and reach heights no man has reached before. Join our journey today as we strode bravely toward a path far more fulfilling than ever dreamed possible.

“That’s one small step for man, one giants leap for mankind.”

For us, every step counts


GCC Consulting is a quality bespoke ESG, regulatory & compliance, governance & risk, social impact and sustainability communications consulting service provider committed to using innovative and digital solutions for our clients to meet current business, regulatory and social requirements.

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